Powering a Safer Future through Corteva Agriscience - a business story Kabuoch, Kawuor Riana Development Network (RDN) sort new partnerships for farmers in greater Kabuoch North and South towards green energy by driving investment on farmers through economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. This was culminated on 19th April, 2023 where famers under the umbrella of UK Aid funded...
JulThe “Great” Otieno Akal: How a handicapped man beat both Prejudice and Poverty Kabuoch Kawuor – Homabay Poverty is s devastation experience, leading to malnutrition and vulnerable communities. Lack of basic needs cripples productivity and weakens community safety nets, for this Riana Development Network (RDN) works with communities at the edge of poverty in Homabay, through Creating Decent Employment Opportunities program (CREEDEP) to introduce innovative and sustainable ways to raise more and better food. Magina community in western Kenya has...
Magina sets up a Village-Based tropical pasture production – a business story On 30th July, 2020, Riana Development Network (RDN) organized a business training session in partnership with Advantage Crops Limited - a Kenyan company involved in crop product development, integration and delivery of new generation seeds of forage grasses, legumes and vegetable varieties. With this partnership, RDN seeks to improve the development, testing, production and delivery of high-quality seed of genetically superior varieties with gene combinations that confer multiple...