MAGINA, Homabay - It's early morning and Duncan Yongo 32, prepares his “jembe”, the local name for farming hoe. Yongo heads to his farm to till the land, now covered in maize stalks and healthy weeds – a clear sign of the potential and vigor that awaits the next phase of farming. He buries the weeds and maize stalk into the soil to allow them to decompose into humus. He is in a jovial mood and whistles as he works....
Insights and opportunities from CREDEEP Project in Magina, Western KenyaKawere Sub Location, Western-Kenya - When the first few residents of this village in Magina received small ruminant animals, nearly two years ago, the only aim was to provide an incentive for the family through goat milk, as most families experience malnutrition due to lack of balanced diet and school drop outs because of consistent competition of resources between domestic needs and school fees. But today the community, in the middle...